Minecraft Diamond Chestplate – Crafting guide

Chestplates have different durability values depending on the material used to craft them.

Leather chestplate80 Durability
Chain chestplate240 Durability
Iron chestplate240 Durability
Golden chestplate112 Durability
Diamond chestplate528 Durability
Netherite chestplate592 Durability

In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a diamond chestplate. What you’ll need:

Step 1 – Mine some diamonds

0:18 – Using an iron pickaxe, mine eight pieces of diamond ore. You can generally find diamond ore in levels 12 to 15 of caves or mines. This will immediately yield you eight diamonds.

Mining diamond ore.

Step 2 – Place the diamonds

0:38 – Now, place diamonds in the bottom-left, middle-left, top-left, bottom-middle, center-middle, top-right, middle-right, and bottom-right cells of the crafting grid.

Basically, you place diamonds on every cell except the top-middle one.

(You can look at your numpad, if you have one, and the placement on the crafting grid would correspond to the “1”, “4”, “7”, “2”, “5”, “9”, “6”, and “3” keys, which we can refer to as cells 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 9, 6, and 3.)

Place the diamonds.

Step 3 (Optional) – Grow into it

Your own diamond chestplate! Marvelous work! This piece of armor will definitely help keep you as safe as can be while adventuring.

And the fact that you look like a proper hero wearing it doesn’t hurt too.

Time for some derring-do!

Diamond chestplate!


Video producerTecRyan on YouTube
Article writerIan Cruz in Freedom!

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